"Never, ever, underestimate children"


Was it a game?

The story that I’m going to tell you is true (real). It is something that I don’t recommend to do. It is the game of subconscious; it is similar to the “wija”.

Well, everything began one afternoon when a group of friends, Reinoso, Lorena, Laura and me, were studying English in my house. When we finished, we began to talk about the subconscious and we decided to do it. We made a board with a piece of paper, something like this. On the top of the paper we wrote down the alphabet, and further down we wrote down the numbers from 0 to 10.

After that, we put a coin in the middle of the paper and each one of us put a finger over the coin, but our surprise was that the coin began to move itself and we were sure that nobody was moving it. We were really frightened but we began to make questions and the coin moved itself answering the questions, and sometimes the answers were true. We were more and more afraid. When we finished that game, we were very cold, but that wasn’t the unique thing that happened... this was the first thing of a chain of strange events.

The following day I woke up at 7 o’clock in the morning and I saw several phone calls missed from those friends at the same time. I quickly called them and they told me that they hadn’t could sleep that night, casually all of us woke up at the same time. On Friday afternoon we told it to a friend who knows about this game. She told us that we had awakened a slept-spirit which was resting in peace and now I had a new and unexpected guest at home.

Friday night was horrible because strange things happened in my house…

On the one hand, when I was putting up my pyjamas and I kept my clothes in the closet and I closed the closet door. After that, I remembered that I went towards the toilet, and when I came back to my room, the closet door was opened. I was afraid about that. And that night I heard very strange noises in my room and the light switched off and switched on again and again.

Strange things always happen at home since that time, and I could tell you lot of stories about that but I would never finish. I can assure that these stories are true and very terrifying but I know you have a lot of curiosity, so I’m going to tell you some more stories.

The first one happened in my room. I was sitting on my bed in front of the door and suddenly, the door opened itself. The movement was slow. Maybe my mother or wind pushed the door. But that day, it wasn’t windy and I was alone at home.

Another day, my sister and I were watching TV; it was being a normal day at home. But suddenly, the keys on the middle of the table fell down themselves without explanation.

Finally, I’ll tell you the last one. This one happened one night. My friends were again at home. We were having a relaxed dinner, talking about several things. But suddenly, someone began to exclaim: Look! Look! Look! And all of us could see it… A shadow walking through the corridor… It was a ghost.

Now, I’m very sure that ghosts are real, you only need to open them a gate to this World, and I’m also sure that, that night, we didn’t play a game, we played with the Ghosts’ World.

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